Why Choose Live Oak Landscape Contractors

1) We are a Values-Driven Company. What does this mean? It means we strive to incorporate the below core values into our daily practice, and we hire our team with these principles in mind. In doing so, we hope to create a productive and fulfilling workplace culture.

  • Family first.

  • Deliver on your word.

  • Details matter daily.

  • Never give up.

  • Listen to understand.

2) We have our own University. “LOU” or Live Oak University is a unique platform created by our executive team to train our landscape technicians in the “Live Oak” way of performing each task on our service menu. We train all of our Landscape Technicians twice a month, spending time teaching new skills and refreshing old ones.

3) We deliver Quality Service for any budget. Don’t want your low-cost provider anymore? Sick of your national or oversized landscape company that doesn’t provide personal service? Tired of site manager turnover? Want a Win -Win? Help us understand your issues, and we will craft a personalized Landscape Program with our Site-Specific Specifications that meets your budget and gets you the service you really need.

4) We created the 31 Daily Basics. The 31 Daily Basics is a list of daily dos and don’ts. These carefully crafted guidelines for our technical team address everything from our code of conduct and rules of the road, to cutting speed and correct blower operations. The Daily Basics—as the name implies—are reviewed daily in our manager meeting, and were created by our executive team during a “LOU” session.

5) We Huddle Daily. Once a day we hold two virtual meetings. First, our onsite managers call in to the landscape superintendent, where they discuss any issues that may have occurred onsite, as well as any problems or changes to the condition of the sites. Lastly photos are sent in, so that we can see firsthand the condition of critical areas, such as the clubhouse or entrance signs. The second Daily Huddle is with the executive team, who discuss any notable issue that arises at the managers’ meeting, any schedule issues or obstacles to executing our daily service and/or projects that may be stuck for unforeseen reasons.

If you’re ready to transform your landscaping strategy with a team that you can trust, please reach out to us at www.liveoaklandscape.com/contact.


Live Oak’s Education Grounds Management Services


Teaching an Old Landscape New Tricks