Take the Longview: The importance of laying roots.  

Right now you can get anything you want in less time than it takes to read this article. You want a Hawaiian Pizza on gluten free crust? Open a delivery app. You need an Air Fryer? Amazon Prime will have it for you by tomorrow at noon. Immediate gratification is the biggest technological advancement to date. But when it comes to the natural world, this doesn’t hold up. In fact, Father Time is still madly in love with Mother Nature. He rubs her back when she has a migraine and he ALWAYS puts the seat down. Bottomline, Nature loves Time and Time loves Nature. 

This is an important fact of Landscape Design and Construction. Quick fixes are the enemy of real long term sustainable growth. If you have a job that requires a massive overhaul in the topographic landscape and a firm tells you they’ll beautify things quickly, know that they’re pandering to your conditioned need for immediate gratification and ignoring the fundamental laws of nature. 

Yes, there can be incremental changes that help to make a habitat more inviting but without laying roots, you’re merely creating a superficial layer that will not see the sunlight of next year. When we approach a job, we take the longview. We look at how making lasting changes and creating long term systems will not only ensure a landscape feels and looks beautiful but that it doesn’t have to be rescoped in a year’s time. This saves you money. It saves you headaches. It saves the marriage of Father Time and Mother Nature. 


A New Look, Because Change is Natural.


The Rework Place: Making work mean something